A crazy day! I got up unwell but being Christmas day I knew I had to sort myself out so I drank a bottle of red Claret by 10am. Then opened my presents inbetweeen mouthfuls of lager, madness! The gifts were great but always is the thought that they are not the real reason behind these holidays. You see I do believe in God which suprises some/most. It might not be God exactly but its a faith in a spiritual side and its there within me whatever it is.
I was in a foul mood in the car with my Dad on the way to Mums. I made V signs to oncoming traffic and twice tried to grab the steering wheel. Behaviour I most certainly don't possess when sober! (Another reason among countless others to quit boozing.) I couldn't face food at first but after a few glasses of port I did manage to lift a fork. We (Stu, Mum and myself) went over to Heidi's house in the afternoon to see Rebecca. Played various that sent me back to childhood. Mum was yapping about jobs and said, "with Steve its different because it takes talent to write poetry and be in the papers. Its a born gift." The embarrassment! She also made a true observation in that "he can stay off the drink for weeks but when he does drink, he really drinks!"
Went back to Pen Y Mynydd later and Stu and I played "Cool Boarders" on the Playstation in the dining room. With drinks of course. I felt ill all day but continued to top the sickness up with more booze! Needless to say I arrived back in Burry Port drunk to the gills and it hadn't softened my earlier mood either.
I argued with Dad again about marriage and its wrong to stay single, or some such pish. It was a silly argument.