Took 2 Valium and few spoonfuls of Mogadon cosh. Went over to Gonks house with Stu at 2pm and stayed all night drinking with him, Marcia and a fellow named Barry. Marcia made sandwiches and hot dogs, we all watched films and played Monopoly (seems you can play it drunk.) Was a good night. New Years Eve, although it didn't feel like it at all. Man I put away some alcohol! There was cider, lager and there was Special Brew! Lifesbood of tramps and street poets the world over (or at least wherever sells the soupy Brew.)
Good company is essential on a night like this. Had I been in Elkington Towers I would have been alone because the younger crews have all lost their f**king minds to student music and flights of fancy. Rats! F*k them all.
I must have dozed off (well fallen comatose) around 2am. Smoked 20 ciggues but steered clear of the grren bud. It works for others but weed/cannabis has never got me off. I just feel ill with it. I'll stick to pills, powders and booze. We're all different and the chalk takes me exactly where I want to go. Its my gear.
Going This Life Alone